

2024- Costumes Dep. Kostüm-Künstlergarderobe

Salzburger Festspiele, Salzburg, Austria

2024- Costume Designer 

“Don Pasquale” by Donizetti, Sequenda, Cape-Centre des Arts Pluriels, Ettelbruck, Luxembourg 

2024- Costume Designer

“Tableau Vivant” for guided tours project inspired by ‘L’ultima Cena’ at Museum of Cenacolo Vinciano-Leonardo da Vinci, Milan

2023 – Costume Designer 

“Don Pasquale” by Donizetti at Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster, Luxembourg

2023 – Costume Designer / Props / Set

“La Traviata”  German-Austrian Cultural and Arts Exchange Opera Project for Children and Youth in Beijing and Shanghai, China

2023 – Costume Designer/ Props

” The Magic Flute” opera project for children and youth planned and supported by the Consul Department of Culture and Education of Austrian Consulate General in Beijing, China

2022 – Assistant Costume Designer

“Carmen” by Bizet at Stavanger Konserthus and Sandnes Kulturhus, Opera Rogaland, Norway.

2022 – Assistant Costume Designer

“Gianni Schicchi” by Puccini at Villa Pantelleria, Opera Rogaland, Palermo, Italy

2022 – Assistant Costume Designer

“Carmen” by Bizet at Opera and Ballet of Slovene National Theatre Maribor, Slovenia

2021-Costume Designer

” The Medium” by Giancarlo Menotti at HNK Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb, Croatia

2021- Costume Designer/ Props

“The Marriage of Figaro” opera project for children and youth planned and supported by the Consul Department of Culture and Education of Austrian Consulate General in Beijing and Shanghai, China

2021- Assistant Costume Designer

“Opera po Kamovu” by Zoran Juranić staged at HNK Zajc of Rijeka, Croatia.

2020 – Costume Designer/ Props

“Fidelio in der Cloud-Eine digitale Kinder und Jugendoper”, a digital opera project planned and supported by the Consul Department of Culture and Education of German Consulate General in Shanghai during Corona Pandemic. Web 2020, staged in 20121 at 1862 Theater in Shanghai, China

2019 – Costume Designer/ Props

“Carmen Opera Camp” staged at the Opera e Concert Hall of Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, China

2018 – Costume Designer

“L’Impresario in Angustie” by D. Cimarosa at Cantiere Internazionale d’Arte di Montepulciano, Siena. Italy

2017 – Costume Designer

“La Favola di Natale” by G. Guareschi at Piccolo Regio Puccini, Teatro Regio di Torino, Turin. Italy

2015 – Costume Designer

“La Finta Semplice” by W.A Mozart at Cantiere Internazionale d’Arte di Montepulciano, Siena. Italy

2010/2015 – Own fashion brand Thaïs

2006 – Assistant Stage Director/Internship

“L’Italiana in Algeri” by G. Rossini at Opéra National, Paris. France

2004/2006 – Assistant Stage Director/Set/Costumes

“Il Barbiere di Siviglia” by G. Rossini

“La Bohème” by G. Puccini

“L’Elisir d’Amore” by G. Donizetti

for Opecam Opera Company, Milan. Italy

2000/2010 – style and production collaboration

for woman fashion brand Diana Zini srl, Milan. Italy

2000/2015 – Extra/Lead

Teatro alla Scala, Milan. Italy

Rossini Opera Festival, Pesaro. Italy

Royal Opera House, Muscat. Oman


Italian – English – French – Spanish A1- German A1

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